Greeley County

List of all cities and towns in Greeley County

Greeley County is a county in western Kansas, in the central part of the United States.

Its county code is GL. Tribune is the county seat and biggest city.

As of the 2020 census, there were 1,284 people living there, making it the county with the fewest people in Kansas.

As of 2018, it is tied with Wallace County for being the county with the fewest people.

The county is named after Horace Greeley, the editor of the New York Tribune from Chappaqua, New York.

Greeley used the phrase “Go West, young man” to urge people to move to the west.

Nomadic Native Americans lived on the Great Plains of North America for a long time. From the 1600s to the 1800s, the Kingdom of France claimed a lot of North America as its own.

The Treaty of Fontainebleau says that after the French and Indian War ended in 1762, France quietly gave New France to Spain.

The US Census Bureau says that the county is 778 square miles (2,020 km2) in size, and that all of that space is land.

It is the biggest of the five counties and twelve independent towns in Virginia that do not have an official water area.

Here is a list of cities, towns, places, and villages in Greeley County, Kansas:

1. Astor
2. Horace
3. Kanco
4. Tribune
5. Unified Government of Greeley County
6. Walkinghood
7. Whitelaw

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