Beltrami County

List of all cities and towns in Beltrami County

Beltrami County is a county in the northern part of the U.S. state of Minnesota.

It is pronounced (bltraemi) bel-TRAM-ee.

As of the census in 2020, there were 46,228 people living there.

Bemidji is the county seat.

Giacomo Beltrami, an Italian explorer from Bergamo, went to the area in 1825 and gave it its name.

The county was made in 1866, and in 1896 it was put together.

The Bemidji, MN Micropolitan Statistical Area is made up of Beltrami County.

The county covers a total area of 3,056 square miles (7,920 square kilometers), of which 2,505 square miles (6,490 square kilometers) are land and 551 square miles (1,430 square kilometers) are water, or 18%.

It has the fourth most land area of any county in Minnesota.

Here is a list of cities, towns, places, and villages in Beltrami County, Minnesota:

1. Andrusia
2. Aure
3. Bemidji
4. Birchlane MH Park
5. Birchmont
6. Blackduck
7. Carmel
8. Debs
9. Domaas
10. Elpine Village MH Park
11. Four Town
12. Funkley
13. Gates Corner
14. Hines
15. Inez
16. Island Lake
17. Jelle
18. Kelliher
19. Langor
20. Lavinia
21. Little Rock
22. Malcolm
23. Movil Lake Trailer Park
24. Nebish
25. North Seventy-One MH Park
26. Northern Trailer Park
27. Norway Park
28. Otto
29. Pennington
30. Pinewood
31. Ponemah
32. Puposky
33. Quiring
34. Red Lake
35. Redby
36. Rosby
37. Saum
38. Scribner
39. Secluded Acres
40. Shooks
41. Shotley
42. Skyline Mobile Park
43. Solway
44. Southview MH Park
45. Tenstrike
46. Thorhult
47. Turtle River
48. Waskish
49. Werner
50. Wilton
51. Woodland Park

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