Woodruff County

List of all cities and towns in Woodruff County

Woodruff County is situated in the Arkansas Delta in the state of Arkansas, United States.

The county is named for William E. Woodruff, who founded the Arkansas Gazette, the state’s first newspaper. Woodruff County, which was established as the 54th county in Arkansas in 1862, is home to one incorporated town and four incorporated cities, including Augusta, the county seat.

There are also numerous unincorporated localities and abandoned towns in the county.

Woodruff County occupies only 587 square miles (152,000 ha) and is the thirteenth smallest county in Arkansas.

As of the 2020 Census, the population of the county was 6,268. Population-wise, the county is the second-smallest of Arkansas’s 75 counties.

The county, which is located in the Arkansas Delta, is predominantly flat and has fertile soils.

Here is a list of some of the cities, towns, and villages in Woodruff County, Arkansas:

1. Augusta
2. Barson
3. Becton
4. Bemis
5. Bulltown
6. Casey
7. Cavell
8. Colona
9. Cotton Plant
10. Daggett
11. DeView
12. Dixie
13. Fitzhugh
14. Four Forks
15. Goodrich
16. Grays
17. Gregory
18. Gregory
19. Hillemann
20. Howell
21. Hunter
22. Little Dixie
23. Maberry
24. McClelland
25. McCrory
26. McGregor
27. Morton
28. New Augusta
29. New Salem
30. Overcup
31. Patterson
32. Penrose
33. Pleasant Grove
34. Pumpkin Bend
35. Revel
36. Riverside
37. Shady Grove
38. Tip
39. Union
40. Wiville

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