Sumter County

Cities and Towns in Sumter County

Sumter County, established in 1832, is Alabama’s 60th largest county by population (out of 67). Sumter County was historically developed from Choctaw territory. The county seat is the city of Livingston.

Sumter County has a population of 13,763 people and an area of 903.89 square miles, with a population density of 15.22 people per square mile.

List of all cities and towns in Sumter County, Al

1. Bellamy
2. Belmont
3. Bluffport
4. Boyd
5. Brewersville
6. Brownstown
7. Charles
8. Coatopa
9. Cuba
10. Derby
11. Dove
12. Dug Hill
13. Emelle
14. Epes
15. Fair Oaks
16. Gainesville
17. Gaston
18. Geiger
19. Hall Creek
20. Hamner
21. Hixon
22. Intercourse
23. Kinterbish
24. Lilita
25. Livingston
26. McCainville
27. McDowell
28. Millville
29. Moore Town
30. Old Bluffport
31. Panola
32. Parker
33. Payneville
34. Persimmon Grove
35. Scratch Hill
36. Siloam
37. Sledge
38. Standard
39. Sumterville
40. Ward
41. Warsaw
42. Whitfield
43. Williams
44. Woodford
45. York
46. Zion Hill

1 thought on “Sumter County”

  1. why is morningstar community is not listes as a community.? WHAT IS THE POPULATION OF MORNING STAR ,ALABAMA? what is the land area of Morningstar alabama,?

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