Jackson County

Cities and Towns in Jackson County

Jackson County, Alabama’s 25th largest county by population (out of 67), was founded in 1819. Jackson County was historically developed from Cherokee territory. Scottsboro serves as the county seat.

Jackson County has a population of 53,227 people and an area of 1,077.87 square miles, with a population density of 49.38 people per square mile.

List of all cities and towns in Jackson County, Al

1. Bridgeport
2. Dutton*
3. Hollywood*
4. Hytop*
5. Langston*
6. Paint Rock*
7. Pisgah*
8. Pleasant Groves town*
9. Scottsboro
10. Section*
11. Skyline*
12. Stevenson*
13. Woodville*
14. Allison
15. Aspel
16. Baileytown
17. Bass
18. Battery Hill
19. Bellefonte
20. Bellview
21. Blackankle
22. Bolivar
23. Bowman Crossroads
24. Browntown
25. Bryant
26. Cameronsville
27. Card Switch
28. Carns
29. Cave Spring
30. Cedar Grove
31. Central
32. Coopers Mill
33. Crossroad
34. Cumberland Junction
35. Davistown
36. Duncan Crossroads
37. Edgefield
38. Eliza
39. Estillfork
40. Eureka
41. Fabius
42. Fackler
43. Fair View
44. Flat Rock
45. Floral Crest
46. Francisco
47. Garth
48. Georgetown
49. Glenzaida
50. Gonce
51. Hancock Crossroads
52. Harris
53. Haynes Crossing
54. Higdon
55. Hodge
56. Hollytree
57. Jericho
58. Kyles
59. Lakeview Beach
60. Lakeview Shores
61. Larkin
62. Larkinsville
63. Letcher
64. Liberty Hill
65. Lim Rock
66. Little Nashville
67. Long Island
68. Macedonia
69. Martintown
70. Maynard Cove
71. Montague
72. Morris Mill
73. Mount Carmel
74. New Hope
75. New Town
76. Old Fabius
77. Overlook
78. Pikeville
79. Pinder Hill
80. Pleasant Grove
81. Pleasant Hill
82. Princeton
83. Rash
84. Riverland Estates
85. Rock City
86. Rocky Springs
87. Rosalie
88. Roseberry
89. Shrader
90. Skyline Shores
91. Sulphur Springs
92. Summer Bluff
93. Swaim
94. Trenton
95. Tupelo
96. Wannville
97. Webb Addition
98. Widows Creek Station
99. Wininger
100. Yucca

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