List of all cities and towns in Gilchrist County
Gilchrist County is a county in the U.S. state of Florida. It is in the north central part of the state.
It is the last county to be made in the state. It was made from the western part of Alachua in 1925.
As of the census in 2020, there were 17,864 people living there. Trenton is the county seat.
Gilchrist County is part of the Metropolitan Statistical Area of Gainesville, FL.
Here is a list of cities, towns, and villages in Gilchrist County, Florida:
1. Bell
2. Blitchville
3. Craggs
4. Curtis
5. Fanning Springs
6. Harvard
7. Little Lake City
8. Lottieville
9. Mutual
10. Neals
11. Spring Ridge
12. Thames
13. Trenton
14. Tyler
15. Wanamake
16. Wannee
17. Waters Lake
18. Wilcox
19. Wilcox Junction
20. Williford