Towns and Villages in Illubabor Zone

Illubabor (Oromo: Illuu Abbaa Booraa) is a zone in Ethiopia’s Oromia Region.

According to the CSA’s 2007 Census, this Zone has a total population of 2,271,609, a 50.12% increase from the 1994 census, with 636,986 men and 634,623 women; with an area of 15,135.33 square kilometers, Illubabor has a population density of 84.02.

Here is the list of districts in Illubabor Zone:

  1. Ale
  2. Alge Sache
  3. Bedele Zuria
  4. Bedele Town
  5. Bicho
  6. Bilo Nopha
  7. Borecha
  8. Bure
  9. Chewaka
  10. Chora
  11. Dabo Hana
  12. Darimu
  13. Dega
  14. Didessa
  15. Didu
  16. Doreni
  17. Gechi
  18. Huka Halu
  19. Hurumu
  20. Mako
  21. Metu Zuria
  22. Metu Town
  23. Nono Sele
  24. Supena Sodo
  25. Yayu
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