The cadastral divisions of Australia are made up of 37 counties, and the County of Dargo is one of them.
These counties are used to record land titles.
To the west is the Mitchell River, and to the east is the Tambo River. It is in Gallipoli.
On the southern edge is Lake King. It was made public in 1871.
On older maps, the area is shown as being part of a planned County of Abinger.
Here is a list of Parishes in Dargo, Victoria:
- Angora, Victoria
- Barroworn, Victoria
- Bemboka, Victoria
- Binnican, Victoria
- Birregun, Victoria
- Boonderoot, Victoria
- Broadlands, Victoria
- Bulgaback, Victoria
- Bullumwaal, Victoria
- Bumberrah, Victoria
- Caarneek, Victoria
- Carneek, Victoria
- Cooma, Victoria
- Cowa, Victoria
- Dargo, Victoria
- Doodwuk, Victoria
- Graham, Victoria
- Guttamurra, Victoria
- Jirnkee, Victoria
- Kalk Kalk, Victoria
- Kianeek, Victoria
- Koomberar, Victoria
- Kooroon, Victoria
- Moonip, Victoria
- Morekana, Victoria
- Mullawye, Victoria
- Nungatta, Victoria
- Nurong, Victoria
- Onyim, Victoria
- Quag-Munjie, Victoria
- Sarsfield, Victoria
- Tabberabbera, Victoria
- Tambo, Victoria
- Tarkeeth, Victoria
- Terlite-Munjie, Victoria
- Thornley, Victoria
- Tongio-Munjie West, Victoria
- Tyirra, Victoria
- Wamba, Victoria
- Wentworth, Victoria
- Wongungarra, Victoria
- Wuk Wuk, Victoria
- Wy-Yung, Victoria
- Yambulla, Victoria
- Yertoo, Victoria
- Yonduk, Victoria