
Byerley County is a county in the Australian state of Queensland. It’s on the northern tip of the Cape York Peninsula.

The county is bounded to the east by the Coral Sea, to the south by the Cook Shire, to the west by the Hopevale Aboriginal Shire, and to the north by the Bloomfield Shire.

With a population of just over 200 people, the county is thinly populated.

Byerley County’s principal industries include mining, tourism, and agriculture. A number of mineral resources, including gold, silver, and copper, can be found in the county.

The county also has a lot of livestock stations.

Tourism is a developing industry in Byerley County, with many tourists visiting the county each year to enjoy its distinctive attractions.

Interesting facts about Byerley County

  • The county is home to Queensland’s largest cattle station, which spans over 1,000 square kilometers.
  • The county is also home to Queensland’s largest sheep station, which spans over 500 square kilometers.
  • The Carnarvon Gorge rock monitor and the pygmy mulga are two of the county’s uncommon and endangered species.
  • There are several Aboriginal rock art sites in the county, some of which are over 10,000 years old.

Byerley County is truly one-of-a-kind and special place. It is an excellent location for learning about Aboriginal culture and history, as well as experiencing the natural beauty of Australia’s outback.