
Wellesley County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.

It shares a border with Victoria, with the Snowy River forming part of the northern boundary. Bombala is included.

The county of Wellesley was named after Governor General of India Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquis Wellesley (1760-1842).

Here is a list of Parishes in Wellesley, New South Wales:

  1. Alexander
  2. Ashton
  3. Biddi
  4. Boco
  5. Bombala
  6. Bungarby
  7. Bungee
  8. Burnima
  9. Burrimbucco
  10. Byadbo
  11. Cambalong
  12. Cathcart
  13. Coolumbooka
  14. Cooper
  15. Corrowong
  16. Creewah
  17. Delegate
  18. Gecar
  19. Glenbog
  20. Grenville
  21. Gulgin
  22. Gunning Grach
  23. Hayen
  24. Ironmungy
  25. Jettiba
  26. Lawson
  27. Maffra
  28. Maharatta
  29. Meringo
  30. Merriangaah
  31. Merrumbulo
  32. Mila
  33. Mount Trooper
  34. Nelson
  35. Nimmitabel
  36. Peters
  37. Pickering
  38. Quidong
  39. Rodney
  40. Tangaroo
  41. Tarrabandra
  42. Thoko
  43. Tingaringi
  44. Tivy
  45. Tombong
  46. Wangellic
  47. Wellington
  48. Wellsmore
  49. Wollondibby