
Ularara County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.

It is situated west of the Paroo River.

Ularara is thought to be derived from a local Aboriginal word, and it is also the name of the nearby Ularara Station.

Here is a list of Parishes in Ularara, New South Wales:

  1. Allundy
  2. Bootra
  3. Buntiara
  4. Croombimbie
  5. Deriringa
  6. Dundaga
  7. Hebden
  8. Indi
  9. Momba
  10. Morotherie
  11. Narumerpy
  12. Neon
  13. Nocoleche
  14. Nungo
  15. Parooingee
  16. Peka
  17. Porirua
  18. Taltaweira
  19. Tarrabandra
  20. Urilla
  21. Urisino
  22. Wanaaring
  23. Waoona
  24. Warruera
  25. Willara
  26. Wyarra
  27. Yailah
  28. Yambunya
  29. Yipunyah