
Tongowoko County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.

It is situated in the state’s remote north-west, south of the Queensland border.

Tongowoko is thought to be derived from a local Aboriginal word.

Here is a list of Parishes in Tongowoko, New South Wales:

  1. Binaroo
  2. Bolwarry
  3. Calathunda
  4. Caryapundy
  5. Churriga[2]
  6. Connulpie
  7. 29°15′03″S 142°32′49″E
  8. Hermitage
  9. Koonyaboothie
  10. Kurawillia
  11. Mokely[3]
  12. Mount Stuart
  13. Mount Wood
  14. Olive
  15. Silva
  16. Tooncurrie
  17. Tongowoko
  18. Torrens
  19. Wanpah
  20. Warratta
  21. Warri
  22. Whittabranah
  23. Yalpunga
  24. Yanderra