Rankin County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.
It contains a portion of the Paroo-Darling National Park. The Darling River forms the northern boundary.
Rankin County was named after Mount Rankin, which is located in Bathurst, New South Wales.
Here is a list of Parishes in Rankin, New South Wales:
- Albert
- Basin Bank
- Bilbo
- Booborowie
- Buckinbe
- Budda
- Bulla Bulla
- Clarke
- Coombes
- Darling
- Deniehy
- Donald Plain
- Donalroe
- Etty
- Gidgiegalumba
- Greenough
- Keilor
- Kendall
- Kirkingle
- Lawrence
- Mary
- Millpillbury
- Mulga
- Munbunya
- Salisbury
- Stanley
- Stanley
- Tankarook
- Thourumble
- Turner
- Wallandra
- Weelong
- Weelongbar
- Wigilla
- Woore
- Woore