Cunningham County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.
It is located near Condobolin, to the north of the Lachlan River.
Cunningham County was named after Allan Cunningham (1791-1839), a botanist and explorer.
Here is a list of Parishes in Cunningham, New South Wales:
- Baratta
- Bedgerebong
- Berewombenia
- Bimbella
- Bomobbin
- Boona East
- Boona West
- Botfields
- Bundaburra
- Burrawong
- Byong
- Carroboblin
- Condobolin
- Cookeys Plains
- Corella
- Corridgery
- Derriwong
- Dulhunty
- Ellerslie
- Elsmore
- Emu Plains
- Gillenbine
- Gindoono
- Goobang
- Greenock
- Gulgo
- Gunning
- Gunningbland
- Jerula
- Julandery
- Kalinga
- Kars
- Kiargathur
- Mamre
- Melrose
- Micabil
- Milpose
- Monomie
- Monwonga
- Mount Nobby
- Mowabla
- Mulguthrie
- Murda
- Murga
- Murrumbogie
- Oxley North
- Oxley South
- Palisthan
- Plevna
- Sebastopol
- Taratta
- Tinda
- Tollingo
- Trundle
- Walker
- Wicklow
- Willama
- Wollongong
- Yarrabandai