
Cunningham County is one of New South Wales’ 141 Cadastral divisions.

It is located near Condobolin, to the north of the Lachlan River.

Cunningham County was named after Allan Cunningham (1791-1839), a botanist and explorer.

Here is a list of Parishes in Cunningham, New South Wales:

  1. Baratta
  2. Bedgerebong
  3. Berewombenia
  4. Bimbella
  5. Bomobbin
  6. Boona East
  7. Boona West
  8. Botfields
  9. Bundaburra
  10. Burrawong
  11. Byong
  12. Carroboblin
  13. Condobolin
  14. Cookeys Plains
  15. Corella
  16. Corridgery
  17. Derriwong
  18. Dulhunty
  19. Ellerslie
  20. Elsmore
  21. Emu Plains
  22. Gillenbine
  23. Gindoono
  24. Goobang
  25. Greenock
  26. Gulgo
  27. Gunning
  28. Gunningbland
  29. Jerula
  30. Julandery
  31. Kalinga
  32. Kars
  33. Kiargathur
  34. Mamre
  35. Melrose
  36. Micabil
  37. Milpose
  38. Monomie
  39. Monwonga
  40. Mount Nobby
  41. Mowabla
  42. Mulguthrie
  43. Murda
  44. Murga
  45. Murrumbogie
  46. Oxley North
  47. Oxley South
  48. Palisthan
  49. Plevna
  50. Sebastopol
  51. Taratta
  52. Tinda
  53. Tollingo
  54. Trundle
  55. Walker
  56. Wicklow
  57. Willama
  58. Wollongong
  59. Yarrabandai